A comedy sitcom show based around a Sunday league football team and the drama surrounding it. Pilot episode follows Tony one of the younger players and his current love interest. The rest of the team come up with a plan for a healthy break-up. Brought to you from the award winning production team. Filmed on Netflix approved Sony FX9 camera's. Looking for a tv/ streaming service series pickup.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Kento Yoshioka, Michael Gall, Pedro Rocha, Anuj Angiras, Jamie Bourne
Crew: Jamie Bourne (Director), Jamie Bourne (Writer), Ryan Ganzel (Producer's Assistant), Jamie Bourne (Executive Producer), Anthony Michael Roman Hersey (Associate Producer), Anthony Michael Roman Hersey (Cinematography)
Runtime: 27 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1970
IMDb: 10