Hell and Mr. Fudge is an 2012 American drama film directed by Jeff Wood and written by Brian Phillip Stoddard. Based on a true story, the film stars Mackenzie Astin as Edward Fudge, an Alabama preacher who has been hired to determine the existence of hell.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Mackenzie Astin, Keri Lynn Pratt, John Wesley Shipp, Cody Sullivan, Wes Robertson, Eileen Davidson
Crew: Jeff Wood (Director), Donald Davenport (Writer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: LLT Productions, D'Artagnan Entertainment
Runtime: 95 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 07, 2012
IMDb: 10
Keywords:parent child relationship, 1970s, alabama, hell, church, preacher, religious intolerance, christian film