In the heart of Metro Manila, Mara, a young dance protege seeks to land the principal part of a dance company about to embark on a tour. On her quest to land the coveted break, a series of events turned her sense of meaning upside down, and is faced with a life changing decision. She turns to her mentor and her mother as she searches for answers in the beautifully loud and endlessly moving world she lives in.
Stars: Liza Diño, Biboy Ramirez, Al Gatmaitan, Tami Monsod, Clara Ramona, Jam Perez
Crew: Will Fredo (Writer), Will Fredo (Director), George Sommerrock (Executive Producer), Martin Reyes (Director of Photography), Joan Manalang (Producer), Bob Aves (Music)
Country: Philippines
Runtime: 117 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 18, 2012
IMDb: 10