Set in the landscapes of Los Angeles, this hybrid documentary seeks to explore harmful cyclical occurrences that exploit natural resources and bring us closer to extinction. Following the discovery of a mysterious metal structure in the desert, this film documents the encased objects found within the structure. This film is made up of speculative recreations of the study conducted, analysis of the found objects, and surrounding landscapes.
Genre: Documentary, Science Fiction
Stars: Zazie Ray-Trapido, John Hawk
Crew: Leonardo Pirondi (Music), Leonardo Pirondi (Director), Leonardo Pirondi (Writer), Andrew Kim (Writer), Leonardo Pirondi (Editor), Leonardo Pirondi (Cinematography)
Country: Portugal, United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Ver e Ouvir Filmes
Runtime: 15 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 31, 2021
IMDb: 10