Haan Karde is an Indian short musical drama film directed by Regan Dadu and produced by Nitesh Devpal and Suraj Sharma. The musical drama stars Ashi Singh and Shivam Roy Prabhakar in the lead. Theme of the drama was sung by Bollywood singers Kanika Singh and Vinay Aditya.
Stars: Shivam Roy Prabhakar, Ashi Singh
Crew: Vinay Aditya (Playback Singer), Nitesh Devpal (Producer), Regan Dadu (Director), Kanika Singh (Playback Singer), B. Happy (Lyricist), P. Kumar (Lyricist)
Country: India
Studio: PK Entertainment
Runtime: 3 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1970
IMDb: 10