In the turmoil of the Thirty-Years' War, a mysterious soldier appears in a secluded Protestant village claiming to be heir to a long-abandoned manor. His quest for recognition and acceptance are complicated by his secret: under a false identity, false name, and pretense of a false gender, he has made his way to the village. But to achieve her goals, Rose, as the soldier is actually called, will stop at nothing.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Sandra Hüller
Crew: Markus Schleinzer (Writer), Markus Schleinzer (Director), Monika Willi (Editor), Alexander Brom (Co-Writer), Johannes Schubert (Producer), Karsten Stöter (Producer)
Country: Germany
Language: Deutsch
Studio: Row Pictures
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1970
IMDb: 10
Keywords:30 years' war