Dragon Girls
The documentary film Dragon Girls tells the story of three young Chinese girls training to become Kung Fu fighters, far away from their families, at the largest Kung Fu school in China. These girls, in a crowd of 26,000 children, are under constant pressure to conform to the norms and structures. They are turned into fighting robots and yet, if you look behind the curtain, you see children with dreams and aspirations. It show the controversial world of selection of the fittest in a totalitarian system.
Genre: Documentary, Action, Drama
Stars: Huang Luolan, Chen Xi, Xin Chenxi, Yang Ziyu, Quan Ling, Xu Manyu
Crew: Inigo Westmeier (Director), Inigo Westmeier (Writer), Benjamin Quabeck (Writer), Benjamin Quabeck (Editor), Benjamin Quabeck (Co-Producer), Bettina Brokemper (Co-Producer)
Country: Germany
Language: Deutsch
Studio: Polyband, WVG Medien
Runtime: 90 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 29, 2012
IMDb: 4.2