Set in Tokyo's otaku mecca Akihabara, "Akihabara@DEEP" tells the story of five otaku who drop out of society and end up founding their own successful IT venture called Crook. But Nakagomi, president of an influential electronics company called Digital Capital, will do anything to get his hands on Crook.
Stars: Hiroki Narimiya, Yu Yamada, Shugo Oshinari, Haruma Miura, Shinobu Terajima, Yoshiyoshi Arakawa
Crew: Takashi Minamoto (Screenplay), Hajime Narita (Screenplay), Takashi Minamoto (Director), Ira Ishida (Novel)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Akihabara @ DEEP Partners, Toei Company, Media Blasters, TIMES IN
Runtime: 119 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 02, 2006
IMDb: 5.5