Into Madness
Initially airing on HBO's "America Undercover" series, this riveting documentary focuses on three families shattered by the psychiatric disorder of schizophrenia. Subjects "Bob," "Missy" and "Steven" have lived for over a decade with schizophrenia. The film documents the difficult day-to-day existence of both those afflicted with this order and the families searching for answers to their loved ones' suffering. This film also shows the varied and variably successful treatment methods for each of the subjects—one is placed in a group home, one is placed in an institution, and one is cared for at home. The documentary was critically acclaimed for its compassionate treatment of mental illness.
Genre: Documentary
Crew: Alan Raymond (Editor), Alan Raymond (Producer), Michel Carton (Sound Designer), Susan Raymond (Producer), Susan Raymond (Director), Alan Raymond (Cinematography)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Ar / Sr Productions
Runtime: 60 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 06, 1989
IMDb: 10