This story begins in a small town in Euskal Herria known worldwide for its cheese. The inhabitants of this town put aside the differences created by the recent armed conflict in Europe to carry out a mission: to choose what to be in the world. This adventure will take them to witness the historic events of two nations that will be news in Europe: Scotland and Euskal Herria. A great story written in small print. A documentary of the new era that makes us look to the future
Genre: Documentary
Crew: Jon Maia (Director), Beñat Gantxegi (Sound Editor), Eriz Zapirain (Assistant Director), Iñigo Azkue (Sound Recordist), Xabi Solano (Music), Juantxo Sardon Altuna (Cinematography)
Country: Spain
Language: English, euskera, Español
Studio: Pixel Ikus-entzunezko Ekoizpenak, Nazioen Mundua
Runtime: 99 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Apr 21, 2012
IMDb: 4.5
Keywords:basque country, spain