"T-130" unfolds as a captivating animated short film that intricately weaves the poignant narrative of an underappreciated robot. This cinematic masterpiece takes audiences on a compelling journey through the mechanical heart of a resilient automaton, exploring the depths of its emotions and the intricacies of its existence. As the gears of the story turn, viewers are immersed in a visually stunning and emotionally resonant experience, where the unassuming robot's quest for recognition becomes a universal tale of longing, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of one's identity.
Genre: Science Fiction, Animation
Stars: Katherine Manning
Crew: Caleb Hill (Music), Dylan Burmeister (Executive Producer), Samuel Felinton (Producer), Donald Austin Jr. (Music), Samuel Felinton (Editor), Damien Dennis (Sound Effects Editor)
Country: United States of America
Studio: Felinton Incorporated Entertainment
Runtime: 5 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 25, 2024
IMDb: 1