This documentary, made seven years after the death of legendary filmmaker and kinetic artist Len Lye, tells Lye's story: from being a young boy staring at the sun, to travels around the Pacific and life in New York. It includes excerpts from many of his films, and interviews with second wife Ann and biographer Roger Horrocks. Len Lye himself is often heard, outlining his ideas of the ‘old brain’ and how Māori and Aboriginal art influenced his work. The grandeur of his ideas are only matched by their scale, with steel sculptures designed to be "at least 20 foot high".
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Len Lye, Ann Lye, Stan Brakhage, Paul Barnes, Roger Horrocks
Crew: Keith Griffiths (Director), Keith Griffiths (Producer), Ali Duffey (Associate Producer), Richard Bluck (Camera Operator), Arpad Bondy (Sound Recordist), Nigel Edwards (Sound Mixer)
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Studio: Koninck Studios
Runtime: 52 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1987
IMDb: 10