In this unique documentary, Tough Girls, we can follow the lives of 7 to 36-year-old female boxers. They are on a roller coaster swinging between emotions and brutal physical fight when the question appears why they pursue such manly sports? Is all the pain, injuries, and shame worth it? The answer is more complex than one would think.
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Apostol Csenge, Chamie Gina, Miló Viktória, Némedi-Varga Csilla, Bagó Marianna
Crew: Eszter Nordin (Director), Zsolt Tóth (Camera Operator), Vészits Andrea (Dramaturgy), Anna Závorszky (Producer), Eszter Nordin (Producer), Hanka Kastelicová (Executive Producer)
Country: Hungary
Language: Magyar
Studio: HBO
Runtime: 85 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 22, 2016
IMDb: 5