Chi Girl

Chi Girl

This offbeat comedy about love and romance won writer, director and actress Heidi Van Lier top honors a Grand Jury Prize at the 1999 Slamdance Film Festival. Heather Green (Van Lier) is a journalist with an alternative newspaper in Chicago who is obsessed with her ex-boyfriend. Randy (Joe Kraemer) is in turn obsessed with Heather. A would-be documentary filmmaker, Randy constantly films her, sometimes without her knowledge. When Heather takes up a challenge from Randy and announces she can seduce the next man she meets, her desperation makes it clear she's had bad luck with men for a very good reason. When Heather finally does meet the man of her dreams, a good-looking attorney named Cliff


Stars: , , , , ,

Crew: ,

Country: United States of America

Language: English

Studio: Tristone Entertainment

Runtime: 87 minutes

Quality: HD

Released: Jan 25, 1999

IMDb: 7