The Legends of Eternal Snow
A drama unfolds in the endless snow-covered expanses of Yakutia. The elderly man Khaby, together with two companions, must give the young Kiluk as a bride to the old prince. Taken from her parents' yurt in exchange for a rich dowry, she dreams of escaping home, but Khabyi is harsh and unforgiving. Only young Nykus tries to alleviate her difficult situation. During the journey, feelings develop between them. During the long and difficult journey, Khabiy begins to feel a growing threat. Nykus, driven by feelings for Kiluk, is ready to take extreme measures. Fate leads them to a long-abandoned hut that holds a secret from Khabiy's past.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Gavril Menkyarov, Fedot Lvov, Ivan Konstantinov, Alisa Larionova
Crew: Alexey Romanov (Director), Alexey Egorov (Producer), Arkady Ylakhov (Original Music Composer), Sardana Savvina (Producer), Innokenty Sivtsev (Sound Director), Petr Ivanov (Director of Photography)
Country: Russia
Language: Pусский
Studio: Sakhafilm
Runtime: 80 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jun 13, 2024
IMDb: 10