Set against the backdrop of the political violence that rocked India, and West Bengal in particular, in the late 1960s, it tells the story of an aged widow in a village who goes to Calcutta to stay with relatives, but faces only exploitation. She moves to a slum, and finds her "own people" in a group of educated, unemployed youth, who are caught up inexorably in the prevalent violence.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Chhaya Devi, Swarup Dutta, Rabi Ghosh, Samit Bhanja, Sumita Sanyal, Gupi Banerjee
Crew: Raja Kapoor (Producer), R.N. Malhotra (Producer), T.M. Shah (Producer), Tapan Sinha (Director), Indra Mitra (Story), Tapan Sinha (Music)
Country: India
Language: বাংলা
Studio: Angel Digital Private Limited, K.L.Kapoor Films
Runtime: 135 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 06, 1968
IMDb: 10